The directors and staff of Coffee With Friends LLC promise the following:
We will never discriminate against anyone for any reason protected by law or good conscience, such as race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, gender, political affiliation, disability, appearance, social status or income level. However, we may decline to do business with any organization that operates in opposition to our stated values, at our discretion.
We will treat everyone we meet, including clients, vendors, coworkers, employees, governmental agencies, competitors or the general public, with the utmost respect, kindness and courtesy.
We will maintain faithfully the privacy of all we encounter, including clients, vendors, coworkers, employees, governmental agencies, competitors or the general public. We have a privacy policy that is available on our website or by request.
We will strive to do as little harm to the environment as possible.
We will listen to our clients, employees, coworkers and the general public and take their feedback to heart.
We will market ourselves honestly and compete fairly.
We will deal honestly with the government and our shareholders, keep accurate books and records, never trade on insider information and always strive to be good corporate citizens.
Though we are a for-profit enterprise, in all we undertake we will prioritize people over profits. As a privately owned corporation, we are not required to maximize profits for shareholders and so we can focus on performing in ways that not only benefit the company but also our employees, coworkers, clients and communities.
We will speak up if we become aware of any violations of this code, including any we have committed ourselves.
We will review our actions and policies periodically or when situations arise in order to ensure we are acting in ways that correspond to our core values.